Made by a mom

Hi!, My name is Shannon and I’m the founder of Our Family Money Ladder™.

I’m a former teacher, a mom of three, a professional organizer and the wife of a bankruptcy attorney. Our family has experience with teaching, parenting, organizing, and finance, HOWEVER, when my oldest daughter was four years old, going to the store and wanting things became an issue. Can you relate? In addition, our younger daughter was picking up on this behavior and I needed a solution to help them connect the dollars they wanted to spend to the work one must put in to earn the money.

What’s the value of money? How is money earned? How much money do you have? These questions needed answers and a chore chart or app alone wasn’t going to solve it.

I found myself saying, “money doesn’t grow on trees” nearly every time we were out and about. As true as this statement is, I had no real system or visual to help them understand it. What’s the value of money? How is money earned? How much money do you have? These questions needed answers and a chore chart or app alone wasn’t going to solve it.

Our Family Money Ladder® solves this issue. It is an age-adaptable, hands-on, visually fun, financial education tool for teaching how money comes and goes. Our Family Money Ladder® easily shows kids how they control their money. The best part is the ease and sustainability for parents. Kids learn that expected/responsible behavior equals money for them and parents gain financially literate kids who are finally a joy to take shopping.

XO, Shannon, M.Ed, CFEI®

The Original Family Money Ladder